Posts Tagged ‘Tweet’

Not all Yogurts Spell “Healthy!”

Yogurt has been enjoyed around the world for thousands of years. It is made mostly from cow’s milk, but in some cultures it is also made from the milk of sheep, camels, water buffalo, yaks, goats, and mares.

Yogurt is a delicious, versatile, and an inexpensive food. However, before you make your selection at the grocery store be aware that many yogurt brands actually amount to junk food masquerading as a health food. Most commercial yogurts are knee-deep in unhealthy additives, fillers, sugar, syrup, artificial colors and flavors.

To make sure that you buy real yogurt and not a food-wannabe, … Continue Reading →

Interconnectedness of Life

“Fear of microorganisms never sat well with me, so the idea that started this book was the simple question, “could there be another way, biomedically, to understand and relate to microscopic life?” …..

“When I began this book, I did not realize the direction it would take, and how medicine, biology, quantum theory and mechanics, mystical insights, ecology, resilience theory and channeling might all neatly dovetail. I started Transforming the Nature of Health merely as an attempt to revisit our relationship with the world of microscopic organisms. But as I looked at the complexities of human relationships with microorganisms, I … Continue Reading →

Medicare insolvency estimates – Issue

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people 65 years and over and for younger people with permanent disabilities. Have you ever wondered if there will be around if and when should you need it? Over the last few years, the financial status of Medicare ranged from stable to projections of insolvency. Each year, new projected insolvency dates are made based on numerous factors including payroll taxes, taxes on Social Security benefits, hospital spending, Medicare Advantage payments, population data, regulatory reform and much more. This year the general consensus of actuaries projects insolvency of the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund … Continue Reading →

Red Cabbage: An Overlooked Superfood

To paraphrase movie star Rodney Dangerfield: “Red cabbage doesn’t get no respect!” Red cabbage is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family which includes green cabbage, broccoli, Bok-choi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, arugula, collard greens, rutabaga, kale mustard, turnip, watercress, kohlrabi, radish, and horseradish. These low-calorie low-fat vegetables are packed with nutrients. They offer numerous vitamins, minerals, and fiber, as well as powerful antioxidants and other compounds which play a major role in disease prevention, including cancer. Each member of the cruciferous family also provides its own unique and beneficial nutrients.

Red cabbage – which is actually purple – is available … Continue Reading →