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Dietitians’ monopoly? – Issue

Reaching the goal of being healthy requires choosing a healthy lifestyle. One of important lifestyle choices involves the nutritional choices you make in what you eat. The professional associations for dietitians and nutritionists have a strong history of seeing that the general public learns about healthy nutrition from a variety of approaches. However, something is currently unfolding that appears to have a disturbing side-effect

Have you heard about the Dietitian Interstate Compact? This is a legal maneuver currently being enacted by the states to make it easier for Registered Dietician Nutritionists (RDNs) to be allowed to practice in multiple states. The concerning side-effect is that it appears to be establishing a professional monopoly for the RDNs to be the providers of nutritional guidance. If this happens, the general public would be deprived of access to nutrition professionals offering other nutritional approaches.

Note that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) is the trade group for RDNs, which is the  group of dieticians that has a history of partnering with industries offering junk food. Compare this, for example, with what is offered by Certified Nutrition Specialist® that are certified by the American Nutrition Association.

ISSUE: Will the Dietitian Interstate Compact create a monopoly for Registered Dietician Nutritionists and block out other nutrition professionals?

AHHA strives to maintain a neutral position and views knowledge as power. For those interested in this month’s Issue, a few key articles have been selected to get you started in studying this matter.

Dietitian Licensure Compact
The Council of State Governments

Dietitian License Compact
National Center for Interstate Compacts

Junk Food and Junk Advice (4/11/24)
Alliance for Natural Health

What is the difference between nutritionists vs dietitians? (6/26/23)
Medical News Today

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