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Are Canola Oil and Cottonseed Oil Healthy?

David Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM

People need to, as much as possible, stay away from soybean oil and canola and cottonseed oils.  Cottonseed is particularly harmful because cotton is a plant that is not considered to be a food. However, cottonseed is used frequently in many processed and prepackaged foods, because the oil is considered a food, and because it is cheap to grow and maintain. Since it is not a food crop, growers spray all kinds of pesticides and herbicides on it that are illegal for food crops.  It has even more toxins in it than typical soy and canola oils so I personally stay completely away from any cottonseed oils. Generally speaking, cottonseed oil, canola oil and soybean oils are genetically modified. There is no plant known as the “canola plant” or “canola seed.” The word canola was derived from this oil’s country of origin-Canada. Canola is made from rapeseed oil, and over 90{c37feec9338c827ad950f3b0a101c2ad48bf3fbfd6958af2f5b6de3a9bfd49bf} of canola oil produced is genetically modified. This oil causes severe damage and inflammation in the body, including harming the thyroid gland.

From Class Two of Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century Instructed by David Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM.  Presented by the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation.

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