Wellness Booklet
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Wellness From Within: The First Step

AHHA offers you our booklet, Wellness From Within: The First Step, as a tool to help you to understand the power you have to effect change using your everyday lifestyle choices and the importance of being an active participant. It introduces you to the relationship between your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. There is a section modeling your role in your relationship with the healthcare professionals supporting you on your healing journey.
You are encouraged to share this booklet with family, friends, and colleagues. However, this is our copyrighted material and you are never to charge anyone for this booklet – in any form. If you wish to use any portion of this material in a book, report or other venture, you must have written permission from AHHA.

This booklet is available in several formats. Pick the one most convenient for you:

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Booklet Online in English

Enjoy reading the complete booklet text online in English.

Booklet Online in Spanish

Enjoy reading the complete booklet text online in Spanish.

Booklet Audio Menu Page

Dual access to listen to the booklet online or download to your iPod or computer.

Booklet as Downloadable pdf

A pdf version of booklet you can download and printout on your own printer.
Note: This is a 30 page document.

Booklet in Print

On request, a printed version of the booklet can be mailed to individuals in the U.S. without Internet access.
Note: A copy of booklet is sent to each AHHA member.

Booklet Order Form for Quantity Orders

Many healthcare professionals request a quantity of the printed booklet to pass out to their patients.

Gift for a Better Life – in English

AHHA has adapted the key “holistic approach” concept from our booklet and condensed it to fit on a single sheet of paper. You are invited to download and printout this double-sided single sheet and share the gift of this powerful message with family, friends, and colleagues.

Gift for a Better Life – in Spanish

AHHA has adapted the key “holistic approach” concept from our booklet and condensed it to fit on a single sheet of paper. You are invited to download and printout this double-sided single sheet and share the gift of this powerful message with family, friends, and colleagues. Available translated into Spanish.