Steps To Change Your Negative Stress

Stress relief is an overlooked area of healing that is unfortunately put on the back burner until the right time appears. There will NEVER be the right time to do this. You have to make the time and make it soon, so you can heal your body, mind, and spirit. What good are you to others, family, spouse, work, if you cannot help yourself first?

One way I know how to deal with stress is reading a good book by my fireplace on a cold evening after work. Nothing could be better. But reading in front of the fireplace might not be what you need to relax.

Here are some tips for figuring out what does work for you. This is easy. You are looking to change your mental state of being, right? It could be the bad weather, your clothes fitting too tight, someone cut you off in traffic, or you kicked your toe against your bedpost this morning. In other words, you are mildly to moderately upset. This may be a day-or-two process and then it will fizzle out by itself. Great. Let’s do this.

For starters, you need a place where you can go right now to get away. Like me and my book. You don’t have to leave home to find this place. You just need your mind or body; not necessarily both – well, you do need both, just not for what we’re going to do here.

I have collected many activities for you. Try as many of them as you can until you find the ones that de-stress you the best. If one doesn’t work, move on. Don’t get stressed about them.

  • Call a friend (a happy friend)
  • Read a book (keep it happy, try a classic)
  • Take a scented bubble bath (men, just take a shower)
  • Go to the gym
  • Write your feelings in a journal
  • Play with your kids (they have an attitude that you may need)
  • Have a massage (get a deeeep tissue massage)
  • Take a 30-minute walk (go on a mini adventure)
  • Buy or pick some flowers (aren’t flowers amazing – the just are)
  • Take a catnap (10 minutes will recharge your energy battery)
  • Work on your hobby (a good hobby is an extension of yourself)
  • Watch a funny video (nothing better than a good belly laugh)
  • Do volunteer work (you have skills that others may need)
  • Drop in on a neighbor (you are neighbors!)
  • Take a yoga class (a good, planned, purposeful mind-body time)
  • Meditate or pray for 15 minutes (this is releasing!)
  • Watch one of your favorite TV shows (why is your favorite?)
  • Sit silently for 10 minutes (quiet the noise in your mind)
  • Have a heart to heart talk with spouse or friend (!!!)
  • Buy yourself a small present (when was the last time?)

There you go! Twenty ideas here for you. Don’t you give up and tell me they didn’t work until you’ve completed this list. And all you need is just two or three that work for you.

Whether you go deep into your mind to change your emotional perception or you just take a walk or read a book, you have an arsenal here to help you deal with stress in some new and exciting ways. They will work.

But, what will you do for yourself tomorrow or next week or next month? Don’t think you can do this just once and get away with it. You will need to find times for yourself throughout your life. And that’s what I’m trying to get you to do; make a new habit for yourself.

By now, you probably have a long list. Good for you! Now better than that, make your list valuable by highlighting the most important activities and doing them!