Your Genes Don’t Have the Final Say

Virtually all the diseases and malfunctions in the body have direct causes. It is a fact that genetics play a major role in the cause of disease. In that sense, all diseases are “genetic” and merely represent the interaction of that person’s genetic tendency coming in contact with specific behavior patterns that determine if the disease will be triggered.

Each person is especially susceptible to certain diseases when compared to other people, but each person is also more resistant to certain diseases when compared to others. In this sense, each person has particular genetic weaknesses and strengths.

It is a person’s behavior or lifestyle plus one’s genetic weaknesses that often result in abnormalities or diseases. Most common among these diseases are high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, gallstones, and cancers of the colon-prostate-breast.

In order to proactively avoid the conditions that encourage disease, in a person who has the propensity, the following items should be considered essentials for prevention:

  1. BREATHING – Our air should be clean. Avoid being in smoke, dust or fumes, e.g., smoking more than two cigarettes every other day, being around fireplaces and diesel engines.
  2. DRINKING – Drink clean water and weak herbal teas, the body is 75% water.
  3. EATING – Eat properly. Dietary goals should be to consume VERY HIGH FIBER and LOW FAT foods (e.g., cooked, unprocessed whole grains, fresh vegetables, beans, fruit and optionally some fish) with minimal refined or processed foods.
  4. EXERCISING – Walk at least three miles a day, 5 days per week, 50 weeks a year. With this as a goal, put a plan in place to work up to this. There are many options to accomplish optimum fitness, e.g., running, weight training, biking, etc.
  5. STRESS MANAGEMENT – Acknowledge and accept the difficulties of reality. We must deal with problems as best possible, accepting failure, but remaining determined and optimistic.

Most diseases occur IF, and only IF, susceptible people make lifestyle choices that trigger the expression of that genetic tendency. Everyone should feel empowered to change the course of their medical history which otherwise may seem inevitable.